Thursday, 10 April 2014

25 March, 2014: Rehashing Covered Territory - "Can You Get to That"

Everyone was present this session, which we spent rehashing all that we did the day before for those who weren't there, which I found frustrating but didn't express at the time to keep a positive atmosphere so that we could work most efficiently.

The song sounded a lot better with the addition of further accompaniment from Dylan on bass guitar, Luke on percussion and Stefan on acoustic guitar. Dylan also assisted me on my solo parts which are pitched an octave lower than the main melody line, very much in the bass tessitura and being a tenor it was difficult to project these parts on my own over a total of 3 guitars, percussion and other vocalists.

Crystal set up a keyboard to play but opted not to as she was unfamiliar with the song. She also chose not to sing this session, which created some tension between her and project manager Kian who was teaching the song over again.

Here is a recording I made of how the song sounded with everyone participating:

As great as it sounds with everyone, I most definately feel we could have reached this point the day before had the entire group been present and then used this session to instead either run through all the group songs we've already done, showcase solos or move on to another group song as the Live Lounge event date is closing in on us and there is still a lot to cover.

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